10_18 The increase in the registration of new passenger cars in the first three quarters of 2018 by 13.5% y / y. Quarterly report "Automotive industry. Edition Q4 / 2018 "
In the first three quarters of 2018, 403.3 thousand new passenger cars were registered in Poland i.e. 13.5% more compared to the same period last year. At the same time, the number of car registrations by institutional clients increased by 17.8%. The number of premium car registrations is growing dynamically - an increase by 16.6% and cars with alternative drives (especially hybrid ones), which since the beginning of the year 17,163 units were registered (+ 33.4% y / y). In this time, more LCV vehicles and trucks (+ 17.1% y / y) and public transport vehicles (+ 15.4% y / y) left the assembly lines.
345.5 thousand passenger cars were produced - that is by 13.2% y / y less than a year earlier. In total, from the beginning of the year, Polish plants left 496.6 thousand motor vehicles, which means a decrease by 5.9% y / y.
We invite you to read the version of Executive Summary Report on http://www.pzpm.org.pl/Publikacje/Raporty/Raport-kwartalny-KPMG-w-Polsce-i-PZPM-Branza-motoryzacyjna-Edycja-Q3-2018