Appeal on "My Electrician" programme

The Polish Automotive Industry Association, together with the Association of Car Dealers and the Polish Chamber of Electromobility Development, is calling for the valorisation of the ""My Electric" programme.
Representing organisations of entrepreneurs of vehicle distribution, production and electromobility, we submitted an appeal to the Ministry of Climate and Environment to increase the maximum price of a vehicle qualified for support under the "My Elektryk" programme.

Sorting method:

"My Electrician" Program - Appeal to authorities to resume subsidies

National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW)  informed about the suspension of subsidies under the “My Electrician” priority program in the leasing path due to the exhaustion of the pool of PLN 660 million.

Key industry organizations are reacting
Automotive industry asks “When will subsidies for electrics return?”. Appeal to authorities to resume subsidies

"My Electrician" Program was SUSPENDED

Today National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW)  informed about the suspension of subsidies under the “My Electrician” priority program in the leasing path due to the exhaustion of the pool of PLN 660 million.

"My Electrician" - increasing the budget for leasing subsidies by PLN 60 million

The original budget for the "My Electrician" program was PLN 600 million. It has almost been distributed. On June 27, 2024. The Board of Directors of the National Environmental Protection and Water Management Fund increased the budget by PLN 60 million to subsidize fees under leasing agreements. The operator of the funds is BOŚ.
As a reminder:
The subsidy covers purchases of new zero-emission vehicles by individuals and businesses.
Individuals: budget - PLN 100 million (at the end of June this year, 70% of the funds were used).
For an individual applicant, the subsidy is PLN 18,750, with a purchase price limit of PLN 225 thousand.
For Family Card owners, the surcharge may not exceed PLN 27 thousand, with no limit on the price of the vehicle.
Entrepreneurs and entities other than individuals: budget - PLN 200 million
Subsidies for vehicle leasing (funds transferred to banks): budget - PLN 600 million (plus 60 million from 27.06.2024)
The amount of subsidies depends on the declared annual mileage.
- PC: PLN 18,750 or PLN 27 thousand (with declared increased mileage)
The purchase price cannot exceed PLN 225 thousand.
- LCV - 20% of eligible costs, but not more than PLN 50 thousand, or up to 30% of eligible costs, not more than PLN 70 thousand, after declaring a certain increased mileage.