Motor Vehicle Production & combustion engines for vehicles in Poland in JUNE 2024

We present the results on PRODUCTION OF MOTOR VEHICLES and ENGINES FOR MECHANICAL VEHICLES in POLAND in JUNE 2024, based on data from the Central Statistical Office (CSO)

y/y change: June -20.8% ; January-June: -0,3%
In June 2024, according to the latest data published by the Central Statistical Office, passenger car production totaled 22.1 thousand units sold, which is a decrease of 20.8% compared to June of last year.
Since the beginning of the year, a total of 152 thousand cars left the production lines, down slightly (- 0.3%) compared to the same period in 2023.

y/y change: June +10.4% y/y; January-June: +21.9% y/y
In June, 30,562 trucks (including road tractors for hauling semi-trailers) left Polish factories, noting an increase of 10.4% y/y.
A total of 183,642 units were produced in the period January-June 2024, up by 21.9% y/y.

y/y change: June +0.4% y/y; January-June: -11,7%
In June, 522 vehicles for public transportation were produced in Poland, slightly more (+0.4%) than in June 2023.
Poland's bus production in the first half of the year was ended with a strong result of 3,501 buses, 30% higher than in the same period in 2023.

y/y change: June -15.7% y/y; January-June: -4.0% y/y
In June, 194 thousand engines for motor vehicles were produced, accounting for a 15.7% decrease compared to June 2023.
In the first half of 2024, production ended with a 4% drop with 1,236 thousand units produced.

Overview of current production figures

20 days of JULY 2024 - new registrations PC, LCV, CV and PTW

We present registrations of new cars, vans, trucks and singletracks in Poland during the first 20 days of this month, based on data from the Central Vehicle Register.
After 20 days of July, we see mixed results for motor vehicle registrations, noting a very large year-on-year drop in heavy truck registrations. Passenger cars continued their y/y increases, while light trucks were in a slight negative territory. Single-truck vehicles, on the other hand, recorded impressive double-digit y/y registration increases.

From JULY 1 to 20, 2024 - y/y change.    passenger cars: +17.0%

  •     commercial vehicles: -3,1%
  •     cars and light trucks:  +14,9%
  •     trucks over 3.5t: -40,1%
  •     motorcycles: +44.0%
  •     mopeds: +43.3%
  • Overview of current registrations

PZPM - ACEA - New registrations of PC by fuel - JUNE 2024

New car registrations: +4.3% in June 2024; battery electric 14.4% market share

According to ACEA in June 2024, EU car registrations increased by 4.3%, driven by gains in three out of the region’s four major markets: Italy (+15.1%), Germany (+6.1%), and Spain (+2.2%). In contrast, France saw a decline of 4.8% last month.
In the first half of 2024, new car registrations increased by 4.5%, reaching nearly 5.7 million units. However, registration volumes remain relatively low (-18%) compared to pre-pandemic levels. The bloc's largest markets all showed positive but modest performance, with Spain (+5.9%), Germany (+5.4%), Italy (+5.4%), and France (+2.8%) all recording growth.

Overview of current registrations

Training for State Fire Service - TOYOTA

The Polish Automotive Industry Association, in cooperation with Toyota Central Europe and the Provincial Headquarters of the State Fire Service, organized another, this time a 2-day training course for PSP rescue units, dedicated to safety during rescue operations involving vehicles with alternative propulsion systems.
Heads of training departments in the State Fire Service from all over Poland have been invited to the workshop. They will pass on the knowledge they gained within the structures of the State Fire Service.
The training took place at the Toyota Training Center in Warsaw.
During the practical part, in the service hall, the Firefighters were able to “touch” and take a close look at the hybrid, electric and hydrogen cars specially provided for this purpose.
Some of the Firefighters participated in this type of training for the first time, and most of them had their first experience of building a hydrogen car.
Many thanks to the trainers from Toyota Central Europe - Poland for the professional and interesting training, and for creating a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.
The training met with great interest on the part of the firefighters, who took an active part in it. Despite the fact that they already have considerable knowledge of how to deal with collisions involving battery cars, they are eager to take advantage of the opportunity for further training. What surprises them is that even within one brand Manufacturers use different solutions, which does not make it easier for firefighters during action.
We are glad that the topic of road safety is important to our member companies!!!

Registration of buses - JUNE 2024

We present you the registrations figures for BUSES in JUNE 2024 Data are based on Central Register of Vehicles (CEP).

New buses JUNE (+53,3% y/y); JANUARY-JUNE (+51,6% y/y)

In June 2024, 233 brand new buses were registered in Poland , which is 81 units more than a year ago (+53.3% y/y). On top of that, the total is significantly higher than in May, when bus sales reached 164 units. (+69 units / +42.1% m/m).

For more click here »

PZPM - VI Debate

First step taken but full electromobility yet a long way off. Although public transportation and public transport are on the way to complete electromobility, there are still many challenges ahead for heavy transport. Such as building the right charging infrastructure. And that's what Jakub Faryś - President of the Polish Automotive Industry Association - talks about in the latest episode of the @szczerze_o_pieniadzach program, with Ernest Bodziuch as host.

PZPM - V Debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PZPM

Electric cars are not yet ecological motoring. To talk about such a thing, we need, first of all, ecological car production. And there is no turning back from this. What's more, the path towards it has already been marked. The only question is whether it is winding and bumpy or does it resemble an even and straight highway? Agnieszka Olenderek, Member of the Management Board of Volkswagen Poznań, and Jakub Faryś, President of PZPM, talk about this, and Ernest Bodziuch.

PZPM - IV Debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PZPM

We invite you to watch the recording of the recent debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Automotive Industry Association, with participation of Dr Jacek Pawlak President of Toyota Central Europe - Poland and Jacek Nowakowski Alternative Drives Director at IVECO. The debate was chaired by editor Ernest Bodziuch.
The future will belong to hydrogen. And it's not just about hydrogen as a fuel to power electric cars. Hydrogen can contribute to the next great revolution of the global economy. And Poland has the opportunity to play a significant role here. This is discussed in the latest debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of PZPM

Automotive Industry, Quarterly report prepared by PZPM and KPMG, edition Q2 2024

In the first quarter of 2024, 139,000 new passenger cars were registered in the Polish automotive market - nearly 13% more than in the same period last year. Worse sales results were recorded in the truck segment (-16% y/y). In the first three months of 2024, as many as 73,000 alternative-drive vehicles were registered in Poland, 34.3% more than a year earlier. The beginning of 2024 was encouraging for Polish automotive factories - 20% more motor vehicles were produced than in the same period of the previous year, according to a report by PZPM and KPMG in Poland“ Automotive Industry, Q2/2024 Edition.”

Enjoy the Report!

Automotive Industry, Quarterly report prepared by PZPM and KPMG, edition Q1 2024

In 2023, 475,000 new passenger cars were registered in Poland - 13.2% more than in 2022.
Better sales results were also recorded in vans, trucks, buses and motorbikes. Last year, sales of alternative-fuel passenger cars totalled 217,600 units, up 35.4% on the previous year. This is not only a result of changing consumer preferences, but also an opportunity for manufacturers and suppliers to adjust their offers even more to the growing interest of ecological solutions. According to a report by PZPM and KPMG in Poland "Automotive industry, Q1/2024 edition", the previous year was also a better one for automotive factories in Poland, which produced 612.9 thousand vehicles - 26.7% more than in 2022.

Enjoy the Report!

PZPM Automotive Industry Report 2023/2024

The Automotive Industry Report 2023/24, which we provide in the link below the news, is a compendium of knowledge on the broadly understood automotive industry in Poland and Europe. In the current edition of the PZPM yearbook, we present an analysis of the park of all types of vehicles, first registrations, and automotive production, as well as issues related to transport, fleet operations, fuel sales, tyre production, and road infrastructure.
In the Report, you will also find expert studies prepared by our regular Partners on the most crucial issues of key importance to the industry - including environmental, fiscal, macroeconomic, and legal issues, as well as a discussion of support systems for the automotive industry using EU and national state aid funds. The studies consider the impact of, among other things, legislation and the current socio-political situation on the Polish and European automotive sector and its environment. In the publication, no information on the latest developments in the automotive industry - alternative drives and the associated charging infrastructure, as well as autonomous and connected vehicles - could be missing.

In a foreword, PZPM President Jakub Faryś said: "We have undoubtedly come to live in interesting times of automotive revolution. A sector that has recently had to overcome the crisis caused by a pandemic, the disruption of semiconductor supplies, and the war in Ukraine has also been confronted with the need to meet very ambitious emissions targets and, in the not-too-distant future, to change powertrains" and the just-appointed ACEA Director General, Sigrid de Vries , emphasized, "In the turbulent times in which we live, fact-based decision-making is becoming increasingly important. That is why the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA) wants to be the main reliable source of data on our sector in order to support fact-based decision-making on the future of automotive and the European industry."

The Report is published since 2007 on the initiative of the Polish Automotive Industry Association edited by Robert Przybylski. The co-authors of the latest issue are CMS Cameron McKenna, KPMG in Poland, Martini & Co., SSW Pragmatic Solutions, PZPO, ZDG TOR.

Enjoy the Report!