01_18 Waiting for the new year

2017 has concluded with consumers in high mods – index values were similar to November levels (+4.1 for XII vs. +4.6 for XI), and much higher than the year before, when the TNS Consumer Index went into the red (at -5.7). By the end of 2016, the index dipped into the negative values range for all the socio-demographic groups, whereas in November 2017 the value was negative only for consumers with university education, single-person households, and the unemployed. The most satisfied groups were: consumers living in rural areas (+12.8), people with secondary education (+8.5), as well as families with children (+7.7).

These positive social moods have decreased slightly as compared with QIII and QIV 2017, which signifies that consumers are anticipating the results of the planned changes, which are supposed to come in early 2018. However, looking at the Poles detailed evaluation of the current and predicted situation of the country and of their own households, it is reasonable to expect that the TNS Consumer Index will continue to rise in value at least through the first half of 2018, provided that there are no unfavourable surprises along the way.

I would like to wish nothing but great success and only happy moments in 2018 to all our readers! 

Grzegorz Ostrowski

Client Service Director


