11_TNS Consumer Index: Still in the positive value range
The TNS Consumer Index growth trend collapsed slightly in November – the value dropped, and has currently settled at 4.6. However, this is still a good result, and the Index remains in the black. This value is based primarily on favourable evaluations of the status of individual households, as well as positive views on the country’s current economic standing. However, it’s plain to see that the society is becoming less optimistic, particularly with regard to economic forecasts for the upcoming year (both on the micro and macro scale). We will need to wait for the subsequent measurements to see whether this is only a temporary shift, or a hint of changes to come.
Another noteworthy aspect is that this month marks the second anniversary of the Law and Justice Party’s rule. Poles have noticed the changes that came during this time, though their evaluations were inconsistent – 36% believed that these were changes for the better, and 37% - for the worse. Aspects connected with the economy play a significant part in this bi-annual assessment of Law and Justice’s rule. However these issues are not the only the only factor, and the ruling party needs to keep this in mind.
Urszula Krassowska
Account Director