We are pleased to send you second monthly press release entitled "eRegistrations"on the first registrations of new alternative fuel vehicles. as for JANUARY 2024.

The publication contains a detailed analysis of the first registrations of passenger cars, vans up to 3.5 t, trucks over 3.5 t, buses, motorcycles and mopeds, as well as up-to-date information on CNG and LNG charging and refueling infrastructure.The analysis was prepared by PZPM based on the Central Vehicle Register (KPRM/MC) and EIPA.

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Published: 07-02-2024

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PZPM_eRejestracje - tabele 01.2024.xlsx [200.61 kB]


Published: 07-02-2024

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PZPM_eRejestracje - tabele 01.2024.xlsx [200.61 kB]