Used Passenger Car Import to Poland 2024
In 2024, 882,510 passenger cars were imported to Poland vs. 738,539 last year, which means a 19.5% year-on-year increase.
Among the imported cars, the largest number were hybrids 31455 units vs 17239 in 2023 (+82.5% y/y), with a 1.3pp increase in market share to 3.8%.
In second place went LPG cars with 9015 units vs. 8993 units last year +0.2% y/y. with a 1.1 % market share, 0.2pp lower than last year.
The top three is closed by plug-in hybrids, with 6458 imported cars vs. 2388 in 2023. (+170% y/y). Their market share represented 0.8%, 0.4pp more than in 2023.
In terms of brands, Volkswagen was in first place with 86949 cars, followed by Ford with 83123 cars and Opel with 79172 cars.
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