Used Passenger Car Import to Poland 2024

In 2024, 882,510 passenger cars were imported to Poland vs. 738,539 last year, which means a 19.5% year-on-year increase.
Among the imported cars, the largest number were hybrids 31455 units vs 17239 in 2023 (+82.5% y/y), with a 1.3pp increase in market share to 3.8%.
In second place went LPG cars with 9015 units vs. 8993 units last year +0.2% y/y. with a 1.1 % market share, 0.2pp lower than last year.
The top three is closed by plug-in hybrids, with 6458 imported cars vs. 2388 in 2023. (+170% y/y). Their market share represented 0.8%, 0.4pp more than in 2023.
In terms of brands, Volkswagen was in first place with 86949 cars, followed by Ford with 83123 cars and Opel with 79172 cars.
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PZPM's appeal to the Polish government to support the automotive industry

The Polish Automotive Industry Association appealed to the Polish government to support the position of automotive manufacturers to postpone penalties for failing to meet CO2 emission targets.

Chinese Passenger Car Registrations_November 2024

Data are prepared by PZPM based on the Central Register of Vehicles (CEP) - Ministry of Digital Affairs
Overview of current registrations

Motor Vehicle Production & combustion engines for vehicles in Poland in OCTOBER 2024

We are presenting PZPM-GUS vehicle & combustion engines for vehicles production in Poland.

The Central Statistical Office has today published data on the production of vehicles and engines for motor vehicles in Poland. Some values were corrected.

The correction had the greatest impact on the results for the production of public transport vehicles, the number of which was adjusted by approximately 1,000 units. After the correction and the record October result (932 units), bus production after 10 months of 2024 is 5 554 units, 34% higher year-on-year.

In October, passenger cars recorded a slightly higher result than the month before (13,200 cars), but almost double that of the same month last year.
After 10 months, passenger car production stands at over 193 units, down 23.6% year-on-year.

In October, 31,644 trucks and vans were produced in Poland. October is another month in a row with such a high result after the weaker two summer months.  The recorded result is higher than both September and the same month last year by 14.1% and 3.6% respectively. After 10 months of 2024, truck and van production is higher by 15% year-on-year.

In October this year, production of engines for motor vehicles totalled 205,000 units, up by 8.5% compared to the previous month. However, in comparison to October 2023, it is slightly lower by 4.7% year-on-year.  Cumulatively since the beginning of the year, 1,930 thousand engines were produced, of which 95% are diesel engines and 5% petrol engines.

Overview of current production figures

20 days of NOVEMBER 2024 - PC, LCV, CV and PTW

We present registrations of new cars, vans, trucks and singletracks in Poland in the first 10 days of this month, based on data from the Central Vehicle Register.
From NOVEMBER 1 to 20, 2024 were registered:

    Passenger cars:         27 183 units  +23,3% y/y
    Commercial vehicles:   2 945 units  +27,0% y/y
    Trucks over 3.5t:         1 316 units   -25,4% y/y
    Motorcycles:                  871 units     +20,6% y/y
    Mopeds:                        380 units     +11,1% y/y

PZPM - VI Debate

First step taken but full electromobility yet a long way off. Although public transportation and public transport are on the way to complete electromobility, there are still many challenges ahead for heavy transport. Such as building the right charging infrastructure. And that's what Jakub Faryś - President of the Polish Automotive Industry Association - talks about in the latest episode of the @szczerze_o_pieniadzach program, with Ernest Bodziuch as host.

PZPM - V Debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PZPM

Electric cars are not yet ecological motoring. To talk about such a thing, we need, first of all, ecological car production. And there is no turning back from this. What's more, the path towards it has already been marked. The only question is whether it is winding and bumpy or does it resemble an even and straight highway? Agnieszka Olenderek, Member of the Management Board of Volkswagen Poznań, and Jakub Faryś, President of PZPM, talk about this, and Ernest Bodziuch.

PZPM - IV Debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PZPM

We invite you to watch the recording of the recent debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Automotive Industry Association, with participation of Dr Jacek Pawlak President of Toyota Central Europe - Poland and Jacek Nowakowski Alternative Drives Director at IVECO. The debate was chaired by editor Ernest Bodziuch.
The future will belong to hydrogen. And it's not just about hydrogen as a fuel to power electric cars. Hydrogen can contribute to the next great revolution of the global economy. And Poland has the opportunity to play a significant role here. This is discussed in the latest debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of PZPM

PZPM Automotive Industry Report 2024/2025

We present the PZPM Yearbook of Automotive Industry 2024/2025

Automotive Industry, Quarterly report prepared by PZPM and KPMG, edition Q1-Q3 2024

Rapid growth of freight transport requires alternative fuels and charging infrastructure

Forecasts indicate that demand for freight transportation will nearly double by 2050, underscoring the urgent need for transformation toward alternative fuels and investment in charging infrastructure, according to a report by PZPM and KPMG in Poland, “Automotive industry. Summary data for Q1-Q3 2024.” The publication also analyzes car sales in Poland, with 399,000 new passenger cars registered in the first three quarters of 2024 (up 13.8% y/y), while the truck segment, with a maximum weight of more than 3.5 tons, saw sales fall by 21% y/y. Popularity of alternative-drive vehicles is growing, with 206,000 of them registered in the nine months of 2024, up 31% year-on-year.

Automotive Industry, Quarterly report prepared by PZPM and KPMG, edition Q2 2024

Cyber security in the automotive industry: key steps in the fight against cyber threats

In the face of growing cyber-security threats, the automotive industry in Poland faces challenges including a lack of interdisciplinary design and standardized metrics for assessing cyber-security maturity, according to a report by KPMG in Poland and PZPM "Automotive industry. Summary data for H1 2024." The publication also analyzes the results of auto sales in Poland for the first half of 2024. During the period in question, 277,000 new passenger cars were registered in the Polish automotive market, 16% more than in the same period last year. In contrast, the truck segment saw a 10% year-on-year decline in sales. During the first half of 2024, as many as 145,000 alternative-powered vehicles were registered in Poland, 39.4% more than in the first half of 2023.