Actualized Fleet of Motor Vehicles in Use in Poland 2020-2023 - PZPM by CEP

Published: 13-06-2024

In addition to the data on the vehicle fleet published by the Central Statistical Office and also made available by ACEA, we present data on the vehicle fleet without taking into account the so-called "dead souls". In 2017, the Central Vehicle Register - Ministry of Digitization, introduced, among others: as a result of previous requests by PZPM to make the vehicle fleet more realistic and define archived vehicles. This group includes vehicles that are more than 10 years old (counting from the date of first registration) and have not been updated in the CEP databases in the last six years, provided that they are not historic vehicles. Many of these vehicles are not actually used on the road and many of them may no longer exist. At the end of last year, there were over 7.2 million such passenger cars, over 900,000 trucks up to 3.5 tonnes, and over 500,000 "heavy" trucks. If we do not take these vehicles into account, the market picture will change fundamentally and it will turn out that there are 532 passenger cars per 1,000 inhabitants in Poland, and not 703 as reported by ACEA. This result puts us below the European average, not at the top of the ranking. More data about the park is included in our yearbook "AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY REPORT 2023/2024": -automotive-2023-2024.

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