07_Mood temperatures still in the positive value range

The trend for growing optimism has been confirmed another month in a row, with the TNS Consumer Index soaring at +3 pp. Whereas June’s record-breaking values (+ 3.6%) are already past us, the current outcome is still among the highest in this decade. Recently the summer hasn’t really been spoiling us with fine weather, therefore sources of these high moods must lie elsewhere (although the longer days and vacation season in the air undoubtedly have a favourable effect on the way we feel).

The economy brings us encouraging news on the rate of growth. Unemployment rates are low, whereas abundance of seasonal jobs brings additional income to households. Furthermore, Donald Trump’s recent visit was an unmissable event, with a beneficial effect on our trust in Poland’s international standing. Tensions on the Polish political scene have become a fixed element of the landscape, polarising some parts of the society, while also distancing others from the political discourse altogether - the result is that the political situation remains constant for all groups. 

Growing satisfaction among groups that are particularly sensitive to social schemes has had a fundamental effect on the ratios. High levels of optimism can be observed wherever extra cash from the 500+ programme is an important element that stabilises household income. Poles with primary and junior-secondary education, citizens of small towns and villages, farmers, and housewives – satisfaction among these social groups has affected the society’s general satisfaction with the direction in which Poland’s economic situation has been heading, even though their opinions on the economic situation of their own households are still reserved.  This is a convenient opportunity to mention concerns about the path that Poland is on in general, which affects consumers with vocational education, who are worried about jobs in their trades.

Entirely different optics transpire from the most educated groups, those with the highest salaries, citizens of bigger cities, and managerial staff, who share positive views on their own financial standing, while criticising the general direction in which the country is heading. These groups seem to be more susceptible to concerns about the political climate, demographic situation, as well as long-term developments in these areas. However, their concerns are almost invisible against the high satisfaction of other groups of Poles.

Therefore, even optimistic moods come with their nuances, reflecting the diversity of the Polish society. It is going to be interesting to see what the upcoming month brings, with hopes for not just better evaluations across the board, but more pleasant weather as well.


Krzysztof Jodłowski

Account Director



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