
PZPM - VI Debate

First step taken but full electromobility yet a long way off. Although public transportation and public transport are on the way to complete electromobility, there are still many challenges ahead for heavy transport. Such as building the right charging infrastructure. And that's what Jakub Faryś - President of the Polish Automotive Industry Association - talks about in the latest episode of the @szczerze_o_pieniadzach program, with Ernest Bodziuch as host.

PZPM - V Debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PZPM

Electric cars are not yet ecological motoring. To talk about such a thing, we need, first of all, ecological car production. And there is no turning back from this. What's more, the path towards it has already been marked. The only question is whether it is winding and bumpy or does it resemble an even and straight highway? Agnieszka Olenderek, Member of the Management Board of Volkswagen Poznań, and Jakub Faryś, President of PZPM, talk about this, and Ernest Bodziuch.

PZPM - IV Debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PZPM

We invite you to watch the recording of the recent debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Polish Automotive Industry Association, with participation of Dr Jacek Pawlak President of Toyota Central Europe - Poland and Jacek Nowakowski Alternative Drives Director at IVECO. The debate was chaired by editor Ernest Bodziuch.
The future will belong to hydrogen. And it's not just about hydrogen as a fuel to power electric cars. Hydrogen can contribute to the next great revolution of the global economy. And Poland has the opportunity to play a significant role here. This is discussed in the latest debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of PZPM

PZPM - III Debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PZPM

Autonomous and electric-only? Will these be the cars of the future? It is no secret that the European Union wishes to drive the automotive industry towards zero-emission. What is more important, however, is at what stage are car manufacturers and are they able to meet the EU guidelines. This is what Marcin Kwoka of Mercedes-Benz Poland and Łukasz Paździor of Mazda Motor Poland are discussing in the latest debate on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the PZPM, and Ernest Bodziuch invites you.

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