"The European Automotive - goals, challenges and opportunities" - a two-day international conference organized by the Ministry of Economy and Polish Automotive Industry Association. Report and photo service.

17 and 18 September at the Ministry of Economy in Warsaw a two-day international conference "European Automotive - goals, challenges, opportunities" was organized by the Ministry of Economy and Polish Automotive Industry Association - PZPM.

The first day, which was hosted by the Minister of Economy Janusz Piechocinski was the debate with participation of the European politicians responsible for the economy of Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and France, the European Commission and the heads and members of the boards of European headquarters having automotive plants in Poland ie. FCA, General Motors Toyota Motor Manufacturing, VW and Volvo. The conference was also attended by the secretary general of the European Automobile Manufacturers Association - ACEA, Erik Jonnaert.

The event was an opportunity to look at the condition of the European automotive industry and the ways of its further development against the a world more and more competitive economy. The speakers were both politicians and representatives of the automotive sector.

In the speeches it was particularly emphasized the need to create such conditions for European industry in the future to be able to maintain its innovation, competitiveness and meet the increasing standards of environmental protection and safety. The representative of the European Commission's Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - Gwenole Cozigou has stressed that the automotive industry is one of the most important sectors of the EU economy and definitely should be supported through a unified vision, proper coordination and new investments.

The Secretary General of ACEA - Erik Jonnaert, speaking on behalf of all European vehicle manufacturers, pointed out that automotive manufacturing is a key pillar of the European economy. The turnover generated by the sector represent 6.3% of EU GDP, while vehicle and auto parts manufacturers are Europe's number one investor in research and development with expenditures 41.5 billion € per year. Only the Automotive industry generates 12.1 million direct and indirect jobs in the European Union which represents 5.6% of the workforce in the EU.

The host of the second day of the conference was the President of PZPM - Jakub Faryś. President Faryś stressed that the automotive industry still wants to increase expenditures on investments and be a driving force for the European economy, but without institutional backing its global position may be threatened. Regulatory policy should focus primarily on supporting competitiveness, innovation, trade expansion and providing a stable and predictable legal framework. The President drew attention to the role of Poland, as one of the key countries on the European automotive map with qualified staff, expanding infrastructure and very convenient geographical location. However, for its further development, maintenance the position and acquisition of new investments much better regulations and availability of incentives to invest are needed. Significant shall be efforts to link science and business and activation of the of consumption on the domestic market.

During the four panel discussions with experts and representatives of the automotive industry the most important legislative provisions affecting the automotive market were discussed, debated the impact of innovation on increase of the sector competitiveness, approached issues related to TTIP and - in the fourth panel - the key arguments for and against decarbonisation policy towards the sector were presented.

The conference was accompanied with available to the public exhibition of vehicles produced in Poland entitled: "Made in Poland".

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